Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dancing With The Stars in Redding, CA

Only in Redding…..A Night For Dancing

What a great night it was at the Cascade Theater in downtown Redding when literally all of the “Stars” came out for the 2nd Annual “Dancing with the Stars-Shasta County Style”. This evening of sheer pleasure benefiting both the YMCA and the Shasta Women’s Refuge got the full house crowd into the night from the very beginning. Last year’s winners, the unbelievable Kathy Babcock and Star DJ Patrick Johnson danced an energy filled swing that thrilled all, and this was just the beginning. With Emcees Christy Largent and John Truitt bringing a high level of enthusiasm to usually mundane introductions, we met the dancers. Stars Chita Johnson from KRCR-TV, DJ Don Burton, Win River’s Tracy Edwards, City of Redding Manager Kurt Starman, County Supervisor Les Baugh, and our own newspaperwoman turned web page dynamo, Doni Greenberg. An exciting and beautiful beginning to a “Night to Remember”.

The Waltz competition showed creativity and originality by all of the couples, and after a short video on what each dance team did in their preparation rehearsals, we got to see the real thing, and were they ever good. The judges, radio personality Linda Regan, public radio host Valerie Ing-Miller, and popular DJ Patrick John, found that each couple had their very distinct style and personality, and the voting was very close for each couple. The audience was taken in by the twirls and the twists, and of course the gorgeous gowns and tuxedos made this competition one of beauty and class. Final dance partners Don Burton and Julie Correia brought the first half to a close with their very impressive individually choreographed ballroom dance style waltz, and the large and energetic crowd went wild. What a night!

Act Two started off with a very well performed Ballroom Dance Exhibition danced and choreographed by area couples that could be considered “professional dancers”. They were perfect in their movements, timing, and style as they danced a variety of dances including the tango, bolero, cha-cha, fox trot, and swing. This was a foretaste of more excitement to come as the evening turned to Disco dancing. Chita Johnson, looking considerably different than when she is giving us weather reports on Channel 7, got this segment off to a huge roar, which is just what she got with her fast and furious disco routine. With her long blond hair, her bright colored outfit, and her sheer energy and excitement, all that could be said at the conclusion of her dance was “Wow, what a dance”!

As with the national TV show, the audience picks the winners, and Shasta Style was no different. The competition was very close and Tracy Edwards and Matt Armstrong took home the 1st place honors. Tracy’s stunning outfit along with her obvious hard work paid off for her in the disco competition and their victory was well deserved.

“Only in Redding’ was a comment I heard as we exited, and yes, that is so true. Only in Redding could we have such a great show with all local talent. Only in Redding where most in the audience knew a number of the dancers so it became a big “family night of fun and excitement”. Only in Redding where we fill the Cascade to cheer on our own “Stars” to benefit the needy along with the youth in our community. Only in Redding where the “Stars” are really the folks we see, work with, and socialize with on a daily basis. Only in Redding do we have “Dancing with the Stars-Shasta Style”, and I am making my reservation for next year now. No way will I miss this great entertainment event.

Ron Largent
July 13, 2008.

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